
Manhattan Village Academy is a small public high school (~420 students) in New York City with a gym the size of a yoga/dance studio; therefore, conventional fitness activities are limited. 

MVA Fitness Club is here to fill the gap.

The Club was formed in Spring 2022 by Baran Downey with like minded MVA friends to do exercise together.  

At first, per suggestion of Logan L. and Michal G, the friends took advantage of the free youth/student membership at NYC's recreation centers such as Asser Levy Recreation Center or low cost private gyms.  Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, to allow more MVA students to benefit from the Club, Baran re-designed the exercise routines to make fitness exercise possible in the school gym.  

Besides benefiting other participants, Baran has a personal motivation to start the Club: after multiple knee injuries from fencing (i.e. Osgood-Schlatter Disease and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) and went on a lengthy break from sports, in order to increase his athleticism to get back into shape sooner, Baran decided to create a fitness club for himself and friends - it simply is more fun to exercise with friends.  And Baran has resumed competitive fencing.